Western Style Rug

Western Dragon Rugs

Western area rugs can be found for prices between $99 and $599. Some special edition rugs may be more expensive than $1,000. You should also keep an eye out for new sales prices as they may change frequently. Our store ships directly from the USA. This is unlike any other seller or brand that offers western decor. Southwestern Rugs Depot sells a variety western rugs that will fit perfectly in your home. Our rugs can be used for years and are affordable. We also offer a 60 day return policy, which begins the day you receive your rug. Most of our rugs were made in the USA. Our 100% cotton material will last years without fading or staining. The medicine lodge area rug, the gilded stars rug collection, as well as the san Carlos area rug are all western rugs. The yucca area thunder rug is also on sale at $96.95 for $19.99, $299.00; $45.00, $124.95 and $84.99 for $254.95, $124.95, $0.00., $200.00., $100, $16.99, and $39.95. These rugs are all on sale for a short time with free shipping. We accept Visa gift cards, coupons and gift registry. You may also have seen our Instagram ads or found our links on other deals websites. We would love to hear all about it.

Brand Rugs Western

Western style is both rustic and opulent. The master bath showcases the double slipper copper bowl, which offers amazing views of the surrounding mountain lands and surroundings through the picture glass. Angelica Henry of Arizona used antler-printed drapery panels in this master bath and a pair d pendant lights to soften it.

Western Lodge Rugs

Although it was remodeled in 1989 this Santa Fe historic home still retains many original architectural details. A large, sun-washed area rug compliments the Old World theme and softens floors. Thanks to paisley-printed banquette, wall decals painted on the walls and clay artwork, this Santa Fe breakfast nook is full with interest. The room's far corner is anchored by an adobe fire place, which keeps it warm.

Vintage Western Style Navajo Rugs

In this custom showplace, kitchen appliances disappear into the art wall, which adds vibrant color and energy to the non-traditional kitchen. The wall is clad in reclaimed barn wood, and artist Rob Stenberg painted the design on the panels. Touch-latch cabinetry keeps the wall looking more like an art installation than kitchen cabinetry. A custom hemlock block island looks time worn and was fabricated by the homeowner.

Western Rugs Houston

You can have a mix of off-the-grid camping and a landscaped backyard. You don't need low-slung Adirondack chairs to enjoy fireside lounging. They are comfortable, but they can also be used everywhere. Instead, choose something more unusual, such as pieces made of rough-hewn branch. Pillows and layered fabrics bring the outside in and give guests something to snuggle up with on cool evenings. A deck-appropriate grill can recreate the campfire atmosphere if a firepit is not an option. Make a batch (recipe below) of cornbread and chili, and serve with spiked hot chocolate. S'mores are a must-have for any campfire. Even if you don't have a backyard fire, you can roast marshmallows on the stove.

Western Rugs Houston
Western Looking Rugs
Western Looking Rugs

The only thing that makes this space feel Western is a graphic pillow with two different shades of turquoise and two large buffalo prints. Boho-chic bedrooms are filled with vibrant shades of pink, coral, and yellow that capture the Arizona desert's sunset colors. This space will grow with your little girl, thanks to the shiplap walls, neutral curtains and wood floors.

Western Style Rug
Rustic Western Star 4 X 6 Rugs

When you’re looking for a new rug for your home, it’s important to consider all of your options. There are so many different items and designs to sort and page through, it can be hard to decide on just one. But don’t worry, we’re here to help and look forward to helping you set up an account with our company today so that we can guide you through checkout and get started on your orders! I’m sure you’ll find the customer service and results from our store second to none considering the quality of the item in our shop / site and the ideas you’ll find browsing our home decor and floor accessories company. Especially considering the details in the cowhide area rug, faux cowhide rug, cow print area rug, animal patterns, Indian designs prevalent in the fabric, and weave of today’s colorful or geometric or abstract or bohemian, or tribal interior decoration and area rugs.

Rustic Western Star 4 X 6 Rugs
Just send us an email with your order number and we’ll send you instructions.  We will give you a full refund within the first 60 days after your order ships out.  After that, we have to charge a 25% restocking fee. You are responsible for return shipping fees unless you are swapping for a different design or size.
All of our rugs are made to order and go through a rigorous inspection process. You can typically expect your rug to be shipped 2 weeks from when you make your purchase.
As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email with tracking info and then following emails with shipping updates.
Yes! We can ship anywhere in the world. Please send us an email with your address before placing an order outside of the US and Canada though. We need to partially charge you for shipping when you place your order.
Yes, please let us know within 3 days from when you placed your order.
We find rug pads are not necessary to protect your flooring. However, some people choose to use rug pads to prevent their rug from sliding around.
We accept all major credit or debit cards. You can also pay with your PayPal account.